Ben after climbing the ropes.

Peek A Boo!

He wanted to go faster, but he kept sticking
cause the slide was hot.

The turtles at the wetland area
at Route 66 park.

Looking out over the wetlands.
park there is a path that lists all of the places where the
old highway 66 goes with Chicago being the final stop.

Looking over the ponds.
One day last week I didn't have to babysit so after taking Anna to school Ben and I went to the route 66 park. Its our favorite park to go to. They have a wetlands area that is full of turtles, ducks, birds, bull frogs, and other creatures. Its a lot of fun. We had a great time with it being just the two of us. Ben was an angel! :)
Katie and I also had some time to ourselves. She has been begging me to go to the Hannah Montana movie. So on Saturday afternoon we went. The movie didn't start until 4:30, but she kept asking me if we can go so we went around 3:30ish. then we had to sit there for an hour! She didn't care though, she was so excited about going to the movies with mom. And of course she loved it. She told me it was the best time she ever had with me. I am not sure how to take that cause after all it was Hannah Montana.
This Saturday will be Anna's turn for Mom and me time. I haven't decided what to do with her. We will see...
Awww. Yay for Mom and me time! How fabulous. The "Peek-a-boo" picture was SO CUTE - those BLUE eyes.. and the turtles on the log were extremely cute to me for some reason too. Enjoy Saturday w/ Anna!